Monday, September 8, 2008

SDF 2.6.3 released

We have released SDF 2.6.3. Apart from some bugfixes this release includes a new version of the sdf2table commandline tool. To facilitate the port of SDF to Windows, we have replaced the sdf2table shell script with a binary tool. This tool simulates all the features of the old script. It can also load SDF modules starting from a single top module and searching for imported modules in a colon-separated search path. This removes the need for 'packing' or 'dumping' the full SDF definition file before using sdf2table!
$ sdf2table -h
Use this program to generate a parse table from an SDF definition.
It can generate tables from full SDF definition files, parse trees
of full SDF definition files, or search for modules itself starting
from a top module name and using a search path.

Common usage patterns:
        sdf2table -c -m <topModule> -o <file>.tbl
        sdf2table -c -m <topModule> -p <searchPath> -o <file>.tbl
        sdf2table -m <topModule> -i <definitionFile>.def -o <file>.tbl
        sdf2table -m <topModule> -i <definitionTree> -o <file>.tbl
        sdf2table -c -d -m <topModule> -o <definitionFile>

Usage: sdf2table [options]
        -b              output terms in BAF format (default)
        -c              collect SDF modules from the search path
        -d              only collect an SDF definition
        -g              take kernel sdf as input and generate table
        -h              display help information (usage)
        -i filename     input from file (default stdin, can be repeated)
        -l filename     log statistic information
        -m modulename   name of top module (default Main)
        -n              only normalization of grammar
        -o filename     output to file (default stdout)
        -p path         colon separated search path for SDF modules (default '.')
        -t              output terms in plaintext format
        -v              verbose mode
        -V              reveal program version (i.e. 5.0)

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